Prayers for our church and community
Prayers for our church as we are getting back together. |
Prayers for all our church meetings and programs. |
Prayers for our members
Requested by | Prayer Request |
Matt Jachs | Continued prayers for recovery. |
Prayers for our friends and neighbors
Requested by | Requested for | Prayer Request |
Bonita Wilson | Son-in-law, Jeff Miller | I would like to ask for prayers for my son-in-law as he goes through his third brain surgery on Friday (17th). This is a very aggressive cancer and they are doing everything they can to stop it. |
Prayer Calendar (Continuing prayers or special dates)
Eugene Wenham | October visit with cardiologist to see if clean bill of health is maintained. |
Joan Fish | In hospice care. |
Phyllis Bingham | In hospice care. |
Michael Godding | Surgery on Sep. 27 |
Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Gene Wenham | Granddaughter and daughter in law going to Cancun for a destination wedding. Gathering place is starting a singalong. |
Leslyn Helgeson | Quilting Ministry is starting to meet again after an 18 month break. |
Concerns and Prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
John Beall | Remembering 9-11. All the losses but the good in the world too. |