Prayers for our church and community
Prayers that God protects our church and members. |
Prayers that God sends a good Children’s ministry pastor to our church. |
Prayers for our members
Requested by | Prayer Request |
Dorrie Hunter-Edwardson | Prayers for comfort and and strength as Dorrie has been diagnosed with malignant melanoma. Surgery is set for October 18. |
Prayers for our friends and neighbors
Requested by | Requested for | Prayer Request |
Bern Jones | Herself | Please include me in your prayers. I know I’m not a member of your congregation, though follow you faithfully.Currently I’m in need of any prayers I can receive. I am paralyzed following brain surgery from my waist down and find myself struggling. Though I have lost the ability to feel my legs the attempted treatments are extremely painful and honestly don’t know how long I can take this intense level of constant painAny prayers are welcomed and thank you for all you do for your church family, near and far. |
Prayer Calendar (Continuing prayers or special dates)
Eugene Wenham | October visit with cardiologist to see if clean bill of health is maintained. |
Joan Fish | In hospice care. |
Phyllis Bingham | In hospice care. |
Michael Godding | Surgery on Sep. 27 |
Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Linda Clement | Matt Jachs is out of the hospital and getting stronger. |
Sherrie Cottrell | Ruth Group Gathering is starting this week. |
Sharon Rinehart | Open table is starting on September 25 |
Concerns and Prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Jerry Ronde | Continued prayers for Bern Jones so that she can heal. |