Prayers for the Week Dec 12

Prayers for our members

For Alice Godding who lost her brother to cancer. 
For Judy Wenham who is recovering from back surgery. 
For Phylis Bingham who is in her last days. 

Prayers for our church and community

Prayers for our charge conference. 
Prayers for our hospitals and healthcare workers who are fighting another surge of COVID.

Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Jerry RondeNice to see Bob back at church.

Concerns and Prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Kay O’ConnelDaughter-in-law whom we prayed for has passed away on Thanksgiving. Prayers for her son and his family. 
Lynn HeimannGood friend and fellow quilter, Linda has been in a horrible car accident.
Silvester SantimuRequest for prayers. Silvester is from Mujila Falls that is sponsored by our Missions Team.  
Kathy DiehlsSon, Matt is having knee surgery tomorrow but is considered outpatient. There is a lack of beds because of COVID patients. 
Beth BoldtPrayers for Mike Brown who is fighting COVID. 
Paul DiehlsPrayers for the people in Kentucky.