Prayers for the week – Dec 19

Prayers for our church and community

Prayers for Christmas. May we feel God’s presence this Christmas season.
Prayers for our church members who feel disconnected. 

Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Dennis PeabodyThe friend whom Dennis shared about 3 weeks ago found out that it was a liver infection and not liver cancer.  
Sue KoepkeHappy Birthday to her brother, Terry!
Sharon RinehartThanks for a wonderful turnout for last night’s Open Table
Julie Hull150 pounds of cookies were donated and UMW was able to raise over 1000 dollars. 

Concerns and Prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Sue JohnsonPrayers for Ruth Anne Duffey. She in hospice care due to pancreatic cancer.
Betty RobertsPrayers for her granddaughter Ailey. She is having complications in her pregnancy. 
Marylin EysterSue Passer has been battling breast cancer.

Prayers for our members

Requested byPrayer Request
PastorFor Roger Gottschalk who is recovering from a broken hand.