Our Joys, Concerns and Prayer Requests (Week of February 6)

Prayers for our church and community

Prayers that we experience Jesus in a deeper level.

Prayers for those who are struggling with illness.

Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Kelly Burnett

Friend is getting better after an illness.

Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Larry Clift

Doctors found cancer in Jane's stomach.

Jerry Ronde

Prayers for Sue who hurt her back during the week. Also, prayers for Bern in Maine who has an issue with one of her heart valves.

Prayers for our members & friends

Requested by

Prayer Request

Dorrie Hunter-Edwardson

Prayers for her husband Kevin who has chronic Vertigo and they are trying to figure out why.

Felicia Astin

Prayers for her mother who is in the ICU due to sepsis.

Barb Cropp

Prayers for her father who is recovering from a blood infection.