Prayers for our church and community
Prayers that we be reminded of Christ in this season of Lent. |
Prayers for our congregation that God continue to work in our hearts. |
Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Sherrie Cottrell | Happy to be back from Florida. |
Sharon Rinehart | Thank you to be able to partake together in a time of fellowship, for all who attended and helped with Open Table. |
Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
John Beall | Prayers for Ruth Ann Duffy’s family as we mourn the loss of her. |
Sharon Rinehart | Continued prayers for Bob Boldt |
Sherrie Cottrell | Prayer a friend in Florida fighting blood cancer. Another friend in Illinois who fell and had multiple fractures. |
Prayers for our members and friends
Requested By | |
Alice Godding | Prayers for sister who has cancer. |
Amber Barnes | I am writing to ask for prayers for our family as my nephew Jordan Faust is sick. He is out of treatment options, and he will be going home soon. We pray for no pain for Jordan and for peace for the family. |
Linda Colores | Husband Jim passed away this Wednesday with end stage kidney failure. |
Carolyn Jones | Prayers for freind, Mary and her daugheter Dymond (5 yrs) in the loss of Dymond’s father, Jay.Continued prayers for father, Elwood, as he still struggles with dimentia and healing from femur replacement.For her 2nd MRI on April 8th to show positive results. |