Our Joys, Concerns and Prayer Requests (Week of May 08)

Prayers for our church and community

Prayers that we open our hearts to fellowship with one another through our small groups and Open Table.
Prayers for the world.

Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Virgil HolmesThanksgiving that daughter, Linda was able to bring them to service.
Kay O’ConnellPraise that she was able to recover from COVID.
Bob BoldtThanks for all the prayers as he recovered from a stroke.

Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Leslyn HelgesonPrayers for Butch Krauswho is in hospiice as of last Thursday. Prayers for Cindi, his wife, who is his caretaker. Also, let us remember Sally Godger.
Lynn HeimannPrayers for husband’s recovery from surgery and also for brother, Steve who is having surgery this Monday.
Jerry RondePrayers for son, David, who contracted COVID.