Prayers for our church and community
Prayers that we open our hearts to fellowship with one another through our small groups and Open Table. |
Prayers for the world. |
Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Virgil Holmes | Thanksgiving that daughter, Linda was able to bring them to service. |
Kay O’Connell | Praise that she was able to recover from COVID. |
Bob Boldt | Thanks for all the prayers as he recovered from a stroke. |
Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Leslyn Helgeson | Prayers for Butch Krauswho is in hospiice as of last Thursday. Prayers for Cindi, his wife, who is his caretaker. Also, let us remember Sally Godger. |
Lynn Heimann | Prayers for husband’s recovery from surgery and also for brother, Steve who is having surgery this Monday. |
Jerry Ronde | Prayers for son, David, who contracted COVID. |