Our Joys, Concerns and Prayer Requests (Week of May 15)

Prayers for our church and community

Prayers for the church events coming up (UMW Salad Luncheon, Rummage Sale, VBS)
Prayers for those who are suffering from senseless violence. (Milwaukee and Buffalo)

Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Kay O’ConnellGranddaughter who tried to commit suicide is doing much better. She will be attending U Rock this fall. 
UMWPrayers of Joy for our United Women in Faith (UMW) delegates (Marilyn, Soyeon, Carrissa) who will be attending the United Women in Faith assembly in Orlando this week. 

Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Jerry RondePrayers for Dennis who is recovering from knee surgery.
The Evans FamilyThe family has lost their sister, Dianne. Prayers that her family will be able to have faith in Jesus.
Sherrie CottrellPrayers for Milwaukee.