Our Joys, Concerns and Prayer Requests (Week of June 12)

Prayers for our church and community

Prayers for our children’s ministry. (VBS, Hiring new director) Prayers for the summer lunch program. 
Prayers for our members who are not active in our church that God remind them of fellowship in our church. 

Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Marie KimFor a safe trip to and from Green Bay. Thank you church for allowing the family to go to Annual Conference.
Lucas KimPraise that Summer Break has started.
Sherrie CottrellPraise that one of the grandchildren moved back to Illinois and that they were able to meet them.

Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service

Bob NowakPrayers for Sandy Nowak who had a procedure on her knee.
Carolyn & David JonesPrayers for the Moore Family. David’s cousin Adam and his wife, Melissa were tragically killed this past week.

Prayers for our friends & Family

The Verhalen FamilyPrayers for the Verhalens Duane(Duffy) Verhalen passed away last week. The Verhalens attend the Open Table regularly.