Prayers for our church and community
Prayers for our children’s ministry. (Hiring new director) |
Prayers for those travelling during the summer. |
Joys that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Jan Carwardine | Celebrations for Virgil and Lorna for their anniversary as a beacon of love for the congregation. |
Kay O’Connell | Praise that she has recovered from a major surgery! |
Pastor | Praise for a wonderful VBS. Thank you Open Table Team, UMW, Debi and Beth Towns, Ryn Cho, Jeff Astin for volunteering and feeding the children. Thank you Marcia and Judy for leading the VBS. |
Concerns and prayer requests that were shared on Sunday Worship Service
Gene Wenham | Prayers for the family of Jim Rivers who passed away recently. |
Jerry Ronde | Prayers for Dennis Peabody as he recovers from knee surgery. |
Prayers for our friends and family
Felicia Astin | Prayers for her family as her stepmother passed away after a bout with cancer. |