
Milton United Methodist Church worships on the city’s near north side,
next to Northside Intermediate School.
(On Sundays, you may park in either the church or school lot.)
The congregation has 100 members.

Worship Service

We have two worship services available.
9:00am Traditional Service
This service features a familiar order of worship, hymns, prayer, and sharing of joys and concerns with the congregation. The sermon is Biblically-based, and listeners can follow along with the scripture passage and notes section provided in the bulletin. After the service, there is a time of fellowship and refreshments.

10:30am Contemporary & Family Worship
This service features a variety of contemporary worship songs, prayer, and children’s time. Children join their parents at the start of the worship service and then go to Sunday School during the message. On the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of each month, there is a youth group for preteens and teens during the message as well. This service also includes a Biblically-based message that is usually the same as in the first service but may be a bit more in depth.

The traditional service can be watched online live (via Facebook) and the sermon from the contemporary service is recorded (on YouTube).