We at Milton Church believe in the power of prayer and in the practice of corporate prayer. Prayer was meant to be for individuals but also meant to be done together. If you have a prayer request, we as a church will pray in three layers of prayers.
Please email the pastor, church office, or you caring ministries caller for prayer requests.
The first layer is congregational – general prayer
During the service, when we pray together the pastor will lead the prayer with general prayer requests and specific prayer requests that have been shared via the prayer box or email.
The second layer is the body of Christ – prayers for church family
We share our prayers during our service and we set apart time to pray for one another.
The third layer is intercessory prayer – deeper prayers for our church
Our prayer group/team which consists of members of our church including at least one member from the membership committee and prayer shawl ministry will be praying at a set time for you. The prayer team will be led by the pastor. Your prayer requests will be forwarded to the team word for word so that nothing gets lost in translation.