Church Sponsored Outreach Ministries

One Apple Lunch Bunch

We believe in embodying Jesus’ ministry to feed those who were in need. This program is available to all who request. No questions asked.
Free summer lunches
The free summer lunch program started in 2018, Lunches where distributed at Lamar Park in Milton Monday through Friday at 11:30. Volunteers from the church and community prepare and serve sandwiches, chips, sweets and water most days. Some days there was pasta and meat sauce, walking tacos, pizza, corn dogs or hot dogs. 2612 meals were served that summer.
Summer 2019 lunch was again served in Lamar Park, the menu was pretty much the same and so were our volunteers. We served 5000 meals.
Summer 2020 lunch was served from the parking lots of Consolidated Elementary
school and the church parking lot. This summer we served 8121 lunches. Approximately 3249 sandwiches were made this summer, 11 cases of apples and 11 cases of baby carrots provided.
Free Weekend lunches
During the school year shelf stable lunches are assembled and sent home with school aged children. The 2019/20 school year 1406 weekend lunches were sent home to the families that asked for assistance. We receive funding for this program from Charter NEX Films through Blessings in a Backpack. They are a non-profit that makes weekend lunches their mission. This program is continuing in the 2020/21 school year with a few twists.

Senior Outreach Ministries

Senior church luncheon
This is a light lunch put on by the young families in our congregation for the more mature members. Both groups seem to enjoy the fellowship. Simple meal of soup and sandwich with dessert is usually on the menu.
Memory Café
This is a joint effort with Hope Lutheran, Connecting Church, St. Mary’s and our church. This is meant to give people with early memory issues a place to go and relax, play a game, visit with other people and also give their caretaker a chance to relax and be entertained. With the pandemic we were only able to hold one café. Hopefully more to follow.